Affiliate Link Disclosure
From time to time, I will recommend a product or service I have used or loved. When you purchase from one of the links on my page, I may get a small percentage of the sale and it does not cost you any extra. Some links may be affiliate links and not be specifically marked as so, and it would be reasonable to assume that if you click through to buy a product, it is likely an affiliate link. Thank you for purchasing through them–I really appreciate it!
Please be assured that I will never recommend or receive any money for promoting anything I don’t love myself. Occasionally I may review a product at the request of the product provider, but be assured that I fairly review the product and only give you my own opinion on it.
Pampered Chef Disclosure
I am an Independent Sales Consultant with Pampered Chef. From time to time, I will recommend a product I use and provide a link to my Pampered Chef personal website. Time to time there is an advertisement in my sidebar that links to my Pampered Chef personal website. If you make a purchase through my Pampered Chef personal website, I receive a commission from the sale and it does not cost you any extra. Thank you for investing in your kitchen tools through me. I am grateful for my loyal customers!
Young Living Disclosure
My husband is an Independent Distributor for Young Living Essential Oils. From time to time, I will recommend the Young Living Premium Starter Kit and the link leads to his distributor number to the purchase of the kit. Time to time I will advertisement in my sidebar and this links to a landing page about Young Living Essential Oils. This page contains a link to his distributor number to purchase the premium starter kit. My husband receives a commission from the sale of the kit and it does not cost you any extra. Thank you for investing in Young Living Essential Oils through us. We appreciate it!
FDA Disclosure
I am a small business, publishing how I personally choose to live well and address things that concern myself and my family personally. I do not provide nutritional, health, or legal advice of any nature. Please do not mistake any of my opinions for professional advice, and do seek out appropriate professional help to make your own informed choices. The FDA has not reviewed nor approved any information on this site.
Comment Disclosure
Comments on this website are moderated to keep spam from polluting the flow of conversation. We encourage open discussion and would love to hear different opinions, however, the following will keep a comment from being published:
- Inappropriate or pornographic content.
- Foul or abusive language or name calling of any sort.
- Claims or attacks on this website or any of this website’s affiliate partners.
- Advertising for a direct competitor.
- Comments not related to the post or previous comments.
- Spam.
I reserve the right to moderate all comments.